Gum disease results in gaps developing in the teeth, which allows germs to enter the circulation where they can adhere to tissues like heart valves and arteries and cause inflammation. After some time, this can harm blood arteries and induce coronary heart disease or...
Dr Mini Ravindran (dentist)
7 Tips On Avoiding Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is a severe condition that can be challenging to cure. If stopped in time, it can be reversed; if not, it can advance past the point where it can no longer be contained. Here are seven tips to avoid periodontal disease and maintain the health of...
How to Overcome Dental Fear — Tips from Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham
Do you get nervous when you think of going to the dentist? Do you put off visiting the dentist for dental work? Dental fear or anxiety is common, and it can be difficult for patients and the dental staff who care for them. Moreover, it continues to be a severe...
Top 5 Reasons You Should Use Custom Mouthguards During Active Play
To safeguard their jaw and prevent concussions, athletes must wear sports mouthguards. If a sports mouthguard is not used, they are more likely to sustain tooth injury. Here are five reasons to use a sports mouthguard while playing. #1. Prevent concussions Concussions...
7 Guidelines to Maintain Healthy Smile on Valentine’s Day from Dentist on Warrigal Cheltenham
The most romantic day of the year is quickly approaching! You could be frantically shopping for gifts and arranging dinner plans. But, this Valentine's Day, don't forget to send your teeth some love as well. Invest in your smile. Good dental hygiene is crucial for...
How Do I Find the Right Dentist in Cheltenham Area?
If your present dentist retired, you moved to a new region, or for any other reason; it can be challenging to find a new dentist. It would help if you considered several different things and performed your research to ensure the dentist you select is suitable for your...
Season’s Greetings from Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham
May this holiday season end on a cheerful note and make way for a new and brighter year. Our team at Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! For Christmas holiday hours please visit our contact us page.
Sensitive Teeth: How to Manage it?
Do you have sensitive teeth? For people with sensitive teeth, brushing, eating, and drinking can all cause sharp, temporary tooth pain. Usually, tooth enamel wear or exposed tooth roots cause sensitive teeth. However, other conditions, such as a cavity, a cracked or...
How Porcelain Veneers Can Beautify Your Smile
Do you often feel insecure in social situations? When introducing yourself to new acquaintances or potential business partners, are you reluctant to smile or embarrassed to do so? Are you annoyed when you look in the mirror to check your teeth? There are several ways...