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Oral Hygiene


oral hygiene tips cheltenham

Oral Hygiene Tips Cheltenham

Oral hygiene ensures that the mouth is clean and is considered to be the best way to prevent cavities, gum diseases and other dental problems.

Check out the following oral hygiene tips to help you take your care routine to the next level:

Don’t sleep without brushing your teeth

Your Cheltenham dentist recommends brushing at least twice daily.

But still, many of us fail to brush our teeth before going to bed.

Brushing your teeth before sleeping removes the germs and plaque that accumulate during the daytime.

Brush your teeth properly

How you brush your teeth is as important as how often you do it. Poor brushing technique is almost as bad as not brushing.

Take your time, move your brush in gentle, circular motions to remove food particles. Over time, unremoved plaque can build-up, resulting in calculus and gum problems.

Don’t forget to brush your tongue

Plaque can also grow on your tongue. This can result in bad mouth odour and other oral problems. Do not forget to brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.

use fluoride-containing toothpaste cheltenham

Use fluoride-containing toothpaste

In choosing your toothpaste, there are more important factors to look for than whitening and flavours.

Make sure to choose one that contains fluoride.

Fluoride is our teeth’s main defence against tooth decay.

Fluoride fights off bacteria that can result to decay, as well as providing a protective barrier for your teeth.

Treat flossing as equally important as brushing

Many of those who brush regularly skip flossing. Flossing stimulates the gums, reduces plaque, and helps reduce inflammation in the area.

Don’t let flossing stop you!

Flossing can be a bit difficult for young children and older adults with joint problems.

Look for tools that can help you floss your teeth conveniently.

Consider using mouthwash cheltenham

Consider using mouthwash

Mouthwashing helps in three ways:

  • Reducing the amount of acid in the mouth
  • Cleaning hard-to-reach areas
  • Remineralising teeth

Drink plenty of water

Water is the best drink for your overall health. Drink water after every meal. This can help in flushing away the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and beverages.

Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables not only contain healthier fibre but are also best for your teeth.

Limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages

Sugar turns into acid, which can erode the enamel of your teeth and these acids lead to tooth decay.

Acidic drinks can also wear down your teeth enamel.

While you don’t really have to avoid them altogether, it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

See your Cheltenham dentist at least two times a year

See your Cheltenham dentist at least two times a year

Your daily routine is important to your overall oral health.

Still, even the most religious brushers and flossers need to see their dentist for cleanings and check-ups at least twice a year.

Not only can your Cheltenham dentist remove calculus and detect cavities, but also spot potential problems and offer customised treatment solutions.

Oral Hygiene Tips in Cheltenham

At Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham, we don’t let any dental problems take over you!

Request an appointment with your Cheltenham dentist today!

us on (03) 9583 5506 or request your appointment online.

We are located at Suite C, 151 Centre Dandenong Road in Cheltenham.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I visit a dentist?
Visit your Cheltenham dentist at least twice a year. Those who have special requirements may visit more often, as your dentist recommends.
How often should I change my toothbrush?
Change your toothbrush every three months or if the bristles become worn and frayed.