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What Is Dental Bone Grafting & What Should You Expect?

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Bone Grafting

what is dental bone grafting and what should you expect

When bone tissue is insufficient to support teeth, implants, or gum disease, a bone graft is done with dental implant surgery.

Bone grafts help to build dental bone, which helps to stabilise teeth and prevent jaw resorption.

They prevent premature ageing by preserving facial profile and oral function, especially in persons with limited bone tissue.

When is a Bone Graft Required?

Before a dental implant can be set up, a person who has lost a tooth may require a bone graft.

This is why:

  • A sufficient amount of natural bone in your mouth is required to install a dental implant. This bone must be strong enough to support the implant.
  • People with missing teeth are more likely to experience resorption or bone loss in the jaw. As a result, the bone has thinned and become too brittle to support an implant.
  • We can restore lost bone and supporting tissues with healthy bone tissue transplantation, establishing a solid foundation for your implant.

Many people are curious about how long the process of jawbone regeneration will take after losing a tooth.

Even if your tooth was only lost a few days ago, you could lose bone mass due to other factors.

In addition, a bone graft is not always necessary before implant surgery or replacing a lost tooth.

When gum disease is present, a bone graft procedure may be necessary to prevent tooth loss and other issues.

Does Bone Grafting Have to Be Done for Every Patient Getting Dental Implants?

No. Your need for a bone graft will depend on the health of your jawbone. If your natural bone is sufficiently dense and robust, you can get an implant without needing a bone graft.

Types of Dental Bone Grafting

#1. Socket Graft

A socket graft can be placed simultaneously as a tooth extraction. This prevents bone loss caused by adult tooth loss.

Because of the socket transplant, your body cannot reabsorb the bone around the tooth’s original site.

This preserves the health of your jaw and prepares it for the dental implants you will receive to replace the missing tooth.

#2. Sinus Lift

This bone graft can be beneficial if you’ve lost a few of the molars on your upper row of teeth.

The space created by the lost teeth might be filled in by the sinuses when they descend lower.

While a sinus lift places the sinus back in its natural location, a bone graft is used to repair the gap.

#3. Block Bone Graft

The bone from the rear of your jawbone, around your wisdom teeth, will be used by your dentist for this kind of bone graft. This is an ideal choice if you need to address serious bone loss.

Bone Grafting Procedure

One of the numerous reasons bone grafts may be done is to remove an old tooth to insert dental implants.

Frequently, either sanitised donor bone or bone removed from the patient’s body, such as the jawbone or another location, is used in the transplant.

Since this method does not require a second surgical incision, some patients prefer it.

Once the graft has been finished, implanting could take many months since the bone needs to form new bone around the transplant.

A fast recuperation period is required after the therapy, typically lasting at least two hours.

Bone Graft Healing Process

You might experience some soreness following a bone graft, but it won’t be severe.

You can manage pain with ice and medicine; your dentist could recommend procedures to reduce swelling.

Swelling must be kept to a minimum to avoid hindering the healing process.

Maintain a nutritious diet; some medical procedures allow soft meals but restrict liquid intake.

Sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling and prevent blood from clotting at the surgical site. Avoid strenuous exertion for a while to avoid harming the graft site.

Bone Graft at Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham

If you are concerned that a bone graft will prevent implants or more healthy teeth, speak with your dentist.

Several solutions are available today, and the bone augmentation process may be simpler than you believe.

Only a few individuals need bone grafts, which are usually essential under challenging circumstances.

We perform safe and effective bone grafting procedures at Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham.

Visit your Cheltenham dentist today!

Contact us at (03) 9583 5506 or request your appointment online.

Visit us at Suite C, 151 Centre Dandenong Road in Cheltenham.