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Sensitive Teeth: How to Manage it?

by | Oct 13, 2022 | Sensitive Teeth

sensitive teeth how to manage it

Do you have sensitive teeth?

For people with sensitive teeth, brushing, eating, and drinking can all cause sharp, temporary tooth pain.

Usually, tooth enamel wear or exposed tooth roots cause sensitive teeth. However, other conditions, such as a cavity, a cracked or chipped tooth, a worn filling, or gum disease, can occasionally be to blame for tooth discomfort.

Not to mention that it can be a real pain in the mouth and cause problems in your daily life. But is there any relief for sensitive teeth, or will you have to put up with having overly sensitive teeth for the rest of your life?

What’s the Cause of Your Sensitive Teeth?

Your teeth may appear to be acting irrationally, but there are several reasons why they could become overly sensitive to certain foods and liquids.

Enamel is the tough, protective layer covering the outside of your teeth. It is intended to shield the nerves and soft tissue (also known as dentin) inside your tooth from bacteria and other irritants.

The gum line’s worn-down tooth enamel is the most likely cause of sensitive teeth. The cementum layer beneath your gums does the same for the tooth roots.

The dentin layer may become exposed when the enamel or cementum deteriorates, creating a direct path to the tooth’s nerves.

As a result, eating some foods, such as hot soup, tea, candy, or even a cold piece of fruit, can cause your nerves to be stimulated, giving you the sensation of being shocked by electricity.

Another indication that you may have a cavity developing in one of your teeth is tooth sensitivity (in which case you need to visit your dentist).

Your tooth becomes more susceptible to sensitivity and pain due to the decay, which creates holes in your enamel and compromises the integrity of the protective layer. Overreactive teeth can also result from cracked or chipped teeth.

Another frequent cause of tooth sensitivity is gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Your gums may start to recede as a result of gum disease, exposing the sensitive roots of your teeth.

Relief for Sensitive Teeth

Don’t be concerned if you have sensitive teeth. There are easy ways to reduce tooth sensitivity and keep pain and discomfort at bay. To relieve sensitive teeth, try these five suggestions.

#1. Brush with toothpaste for sensitive teeth

Purchase a tube of toothpaste made especially for relieving sensitive teeth. The active component, stannous fluoride, quickly forms a barrier over exposed dentin to protect the vulnerable areas of your teeth.

Because of this, there is a three-day period of clinically significant sensitivity relief by preventing outside triggers from getting to the nerves. Make sure to keep using it twice daily, every day.

#2. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles

Using a stiff-bristled toothbrush or scrubbing too vigorously can make your teeth more sensitive by wearing down the enamel and contributing to gum recession. If you aren’t already using a soft toothbrush, it’s time to start.

Examine the bristles on your toothbrush if you’re unsure whether you’re brushing too vigorously. Lighten up if they are frayed and flattened. Use gentle, brief back-and-forth or small circular motions.

#3. Avoid eating or drinking anything acidic

Reduce your consumption of acidic drinks and foods because they may hasten enamel erosion, especially if you already have sensitive teeth.

Citrus fruits, carbonated beverages, and wine can all gradually erode the enamel on your teeth over time. If you drink or eat something acidic, follow it up with water to balance the acidity in your mouth.

#4. Think about utilising fluoride therapies

You might want to visit your dentist in addition to desensitising toothpaste and changing the way you brush. Your dentist might suggest an in-office procedure like fluoridating the teeth, which can fortify the enamel.

#5. Visit your dentist

It may be wise to visit your Cheltenham dentist if your tooth sensitivity persists for more than a few days in addition to your routine dental visits. Based on the precise cause, they’ll decide the problem’s scope and the best course of action.

For instance, you might require a filling or a crown if a cavity is the source of your pain (or a new one if your old filling has worn down).

Your dentist might advise a root canal, a procedure to clean the inside of your tooth and remove the nerve if you’ve tried other remedies and your teeth are still painful and hypersensitive. Your discomfort ought to go away once the nerve is cut.

Save Your Teeth with Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham Help!

You shouldn’t have to “grin and bear” having sensitive teeth for the rest of your life, even if you have been dealing with them for some time.

Visit your Cheltenham dentist today to achieve expert treatments for tooth sensitivity.

Experience advanced dentistry and friendly care you can trust at Dentist On Warrigal Cheltenham.

Visit your Cheltenham dentist every 6 months to ensure optimum oral health.

Contact (03) 9583 5506 or make an appointment online today!

Visit us at Suite C, 151 Centre Dandenong Road in Cheltenham.